Heartland Zombie Apocalypse (Vol. 2): The Dead of Winter Read online

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  Stu Redding mollified his superior. “Nobody knows about this sir, you're still in charge here.”

  The General scowled. “Tie McPherson up next to the creature and then assemble the town,”

  Sergeant Redding nodded, “Yes sir. Sir, the one young woman was beat up pretty bad can I send the doctor to give her a check?”

  The General glared at Stu Redding with contempt. “You're too soft Sergeant.”

  The Sergeant was unaffected by the General's appraisal. “Just thinkin we don't always need to be the heavy.”

  “You may have a point, it would be best if we can blame this all on Nordstrom and McPherson. Send the doc, but I want everyone assembled here in fifteen.” The General conceded.

  With more than a little apprehension, the townspeople filled the courtyard. With Nana helping Tobin prepare food for the soldiers, Mary Kay had been sent to the Brenner unit to stay with her friend Cassie.

  Fearing another episode like earlier in the day, Mary Kay turned to Amy. “What do they want with us now ma'am?”

  Amy started to reply. “I'm not … Oh no is that Mac? Matt they have Mac tied up, this can't be good.”

  A light rain began to fall as General Mayhue stepped out and raised his hands for quiet. “What we have here is a failure to understand the order of things, Mister McPherson thought he would act the hero and interfere with my men.”

  The crowd looked at Ivy trying to comfort her daughters in a motherly embrace, then to Crystal whose swollen lips and blackened eyes clearly showed she had suffered a beating. Finally, they looked at the creature, that had once been Carol, straining at her bonds to get at Mac.

  General Mayhue continued. “Mister McPherson will stay here throughout the night to remind you not to interfere with my men.”

  As if to emphasize the General's message, lightning flashed followed by a distant boom of thunder. The light rain became more steady as the townspeople were dismissed.

  Doc Linderman turned to Crystal. “Mac won't survive the night with this rain, hypothermia will set in long before morning.”

  “Tobin you can't talk me out of this, Mac saved me today and now he needs help.” Stated a resolute Crystal.

  “Darlin, do you really think you're in shape for a rescue? You may have a concussion and your one eye is nearly swollen shut.” Tobin pointed out.

  Crystal finished tucking her blonde hair into a black knit hat. “That is exactly my point, if the soldiers come back for Ivy's girls you will be better to protect them, I can't go toe to toe with those guys. To let Mac loose I just need to be sneaky.”

  Tobin was never sure how Crystal did this, she always got her way and yet somehow made it seem like it was his idea. As soon as the guard patrolling the halls passed, Tobin and Crystal stole their way down to Mac and Ivy's room. When they quietly opened the door, they found Ivy dressed similarly to Crystal, barefoot and wearing her husband’s dark t-shirt and a dark cap.

  Once outside, the cold rain quickly drenched them and stung their exposed skin. They made their way close to the tower using what cover the courtyard provided, occasional flashes of lightning giving them glimpses of Mac.

  Private Hannibal Caine was posted to make sure no one came to release Mac. The poncho he wore giving him some relief from the rain. His biggest escape came from his learning to drowse standing up. He never fell into a deep sleep, just enough to pass the time until his relief came. He knew if Redding, or worse Mayhue, caught him at this there would be hell to pay, but they were warm and dry inside.

  Crystal and Ivy crept up behind the sleeping guard. Crystal had braided some ribbon into a garrote, handing one end to Ivy and slipped the rope over Caine's neck. Before Hannibal Caine could react the two women pulled back hard and didn't let go until the soldier stopped moving.

  Crystal relieved the soldier of his knife and slipped it in through his ear to pierce the brain, then handed the still dripping blade to Ivy. “Cut Mac loose.” Picking up the soldier's rifle, Crystal kept lookout.

  Mac was so cold, he was shivering uncontrollably. He was struggling to form a thought, his teeth chattering, but knew he had to stop Ivy. “N n n n o j j j ust looooosen the knnnnots.”

  Ivy ,not sure what he was thinking, complied with her husband’s request. She had to stop a couple of times to push back an overly curious Carol. As soon as the ropes were loose enough, Mac wriggled out. After stretching and flexing his hands, he went to the dead soldier and peeled off his poncho, then slipped him into the ropes.

  Moving around had warmed Mac enough for him to stop shivering. “Hopefully they'll think I wriggled out on my own. I'll go out and get some of our cached guns, be ready when I get back.”

  Ivy shook her head. “No you're not, you can't do this alone, go find Sergeant Andrews and bring them back here.”

  “Ivy's right Mac, a failed attack right now will just cause Mayhue to strike out. I'll work with Percy and Blade, we'll prepare from the inside.” Crystal added.

  Mac gave in. “One way or another I will get help, promise me you will stay alive whatever it takes, just stay alive.”

  Ivy kissed her husband and whispered. “I promise.”

  As Mac wiped a tear from Ivy's cheek, Crystal stepped up and handed him the soldier's rifle, before giving him a quick hug. “You ought to hurry, can you get out okay?”

  Mac nodded. “I built these fences, there's a back door in the lake. Crystal you've got your own to worry about, but I have to ask you to look out for my girls.”

  Crystal squeezed his hand. “You don't even have to ask, we'll all be looking out for each other.”

  As Mac headed towards the lake, Ivy and Crystal returned to their building. They were now concerned with getting back to their families. They did not speak a word, but concentrated on not being seen.

  Once she was safely back with Tobin, Crystal hugged him close. “I'm sorry I'm sopping wet.”

  Tobin quickly fetched a towel. “You must be freezing, let's get you dried off.”

  Crystal peeled off the wet T shirt clinging to her body and let Tobin wrap the towel around her shoulders. Tobin pulled Crystal close and looked down at the baby bump just starting to show. Protectively, he slid a hand over their child. Crystal placed one hand over his, as she leaned into him.

  Chapter 4 - Alone

  Mac made his way towards the lake. The poncho was helping to hold in some of his body heat, but he was still chilled to the bone. Temperatures hadn't hit freezing yet, but he'd be lucky if the lake was fifty degrees. What little body heat he had would be quickly sapped away.

  When he and Mick planned out the fence they had decided to hide an exit in the stretch of fence running through the lake. It was something they hoped to never need, but Mac was pleased to have the option this night.

  By the time Mac had made it out through the underwater gate his muscles were already cramping and coherent thought was slipping away from him. Focusing on his wife and daughters he forced himself to think about one step at a time. “Get your ass out of this water Mac.”

  Reaching the shore Mac took precious minutes to strip off his clothes, the wet fabric would just steal more of his precious body heat. Shivering and unable to feel his fingers getting undressed was nearly impossible. Finally naked under the poncho he felt warmth beginning to return, but he needed shelter soon.

  A couple of miles south of their compound Mick had shown him a small cave. Mick had used the cave as a base camp more than once when hunting mulies during the winter. It wasn't large, but they had established a small cache of gear in the cave that Mac desperately needed.

  Finding his way in the dark and the steady downpour wasn't easy. More than once Mac made a false turn, further adding to his frustration. About an hour before dawn Mac found the cave and at about the same time Hannibal's relief found his dead body hanging in place of Mac's.


  “Looks like he slipped out of the ropes and killed Private Caine.”, replied

  Mayhue seethed,“Are you telling me that sod buster got the drop on one of my men and just waltzed on out of here.”

  “We found some clothes by the lake, looks like he must of shimmied up a tree near the fence and dropped out.”, Sergeant Redding replied.

  The General was in no mood to be mollified, “Where the fuck were your guards on patrol of the perimeter. You're telling me McPherson walked down to the lake, climbed a tree and no one saw him.”

  “He does know this property better than we do and it was raining hard.”, Sergeant Redding offered.

  “Don't give me excuses. Double the guard. Send a team into town and send Ames out with a team to track him. Tell them not to come back without McPherson's head.”, The General ordered.

  Sergeant Redding went to leave as directed, but General Mayhue stopped him, “And Sergeant. CUT DOWN THAT DAMN TREE.”

  In the cave Mac fired up a propane heater to warm himself and tore into an MRE. As he ate he quickly checked the contents of a backpack they had stored there. To the basics in the pack Mac added clothes, ammunition, an extra pistol and spare magazines. While Mac began to dress he put together a plan.

  Sergeant Andrews had headed to New Mexico hoping to find his family at the White Sands Army base. To get there he was going to need some wheels. The Challenger Colonel Osgood arrived in was what he wanted and fortunately it was stored away from the compound. The problem was they had to of discovered he was gone by now and would have patrols looking for him. With Sara Parsons spilling the beans on the cache they had in town its a sure bet they would have that covered.

  Mac picked up camo makeup and a ghillie suit, “Maybe with a little luck I can improve my odds.”

  Ames was from the Louisiana bayou and when he first met Mayhue, he bragged, “I can track a fart in a hurricane.”

  A skill he had proven many times over, but with the heavy rains overnight finding anything to track was nigh on impossible. With the morning sun beginning to get higher in the sky the winds shifted and Ames got a whiff of smoke, “This way boys somebody's trying to warm up.”

  Ames led his men to the source of the smoke a wooded depression surrounded by low rocky hills. The hills were heavily covered in brush making progress difficult, except where game trails weaved through. Ames raised a hand to stop his men as the plume of smoke became visible, “Gord hang back here in case the sod buster thinks to get behind us.”

  Ames lead his other two into the bush, as Gordon moved into a position to keep an eye on them. Gordon slipped past a bush and as he passed, a hand sprouted from the foliage and clasped over his mouth. Mac pulled the man to his chest and snapped his neck with his other hand. A quick jab of his knife made sure Gordon didn't turn. As quietly as he could could Mac hid the body and circled behind the other men. Before they got to close to the smoky fire he had built he pulled a string raising the puppet he made from the poncho.

  Ames whispered, “There he is. Steve-o put a bullet in him.”

  Kiefer Stevens raised his rifle took quick aim and as he fired the poncho fell.

  Ames pulled the machete from its sheath, “Nice shot Steve-o, Hul and I will go and collect his head, you wait here and plug him again if he gets up.”

  Stevens kept a close eye on the prone figure as the other two men pushed their way down through the bush. The noise of crunching leaves and twigs scraping against clothing kept them unaware, as a big hand slipped out and delivered Stevens the same fate as Gordon. Now Mac needed to hurry to get into position before Ames and Hulbert discovered his ruse. Using the game trails to his advantage, though at times he was forced to crawl on his hands and knees and sometimes on his belly, propelling himself forward on his elbows and toes.

  As soon as Ames cleared the last bush he realized they'd been tricked, “It's a trap Hul, spread out, don't give him an easy target.”

  Jack Hulbert looked inquisitively at Ames, “Maybe we should call for backup?”

  Ames scoffed, “You want to tell the Old Man we can't handle one farmer? That ain't a conversation I'm willing to have. Find a pair, spread out and lets find this guy.”

  Hulbert could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise, expecting to be shot as he passed each tree. He had moved about twenty paces from Ames when he came to a large old hickory with a trunk nearly three feet in diameter. He could feel the farmer hiding on the other side of it.

  When he got to the far side he turned quick waiting to face his assailant, but found no on there. “Come on Jack don't be chasin shadows.”

  Hulbert turned and began moving forward, but Mac had slipped to the side of the tree as Hulbert had reached the far side and when Hulbert began moving forward, Mac moved in behind, grabbed the man and plunged his knife into his heart. Ames hearing Hulbert gurgling and twitching went to investigate.

  Sergeant Redding found General Mayhue still going over the supply logs for the compound, “Sir we've received a communication from Ames, he believes he has picked up Mister McPherson's trail.”

  Mayhue never looked up from the supply logs, “Very good let me know as soon as Ames reports he has captured McPherson.”

  “Yes Sir. Sir? What about feeding these people if we push them too hard we are going to have more than Mister McPherson to worry about.” Sergeant Redding suggested.

  The General looked at his Sergeant quizzically, “Sergeant I keep telling you. You are to soft. They will be fed when doing so benefits us.”

  “Sir?” Sergeant Redding asked.

  “Assemble the towns folk we need to let them know what McPherson has done to them. We get a couple more of their leaders to step out of line and these people are gonna think I'm their gott damn messiah.” The General gloated.

  For a third time General Mayhue addressed the town, “I assume that some of you have noticed that Mister McPherson is no longer with us. During the night he worked his way free and has left you all to pay for his misdeeds. He is out there now on a one man mission to usurp my authority here.”

  Mayhue stopped to gauge the crowd, but was mostly met with stony faces, “My men have dealt with guerrilla resistance all over the world one man is no threat to us. In case there are others among you hoping to follow Mister McPherson's ill conceived lead we will continue to keep the larder locked down. You can thank Mrs. McPherson for your grumbling stomachs. Sergeant assemble work details these people have a busy day ahead of them.”

  Most of the work centered around food preservation or harvest, forcing the majority of the starved population to be handling food, but not allowed to eat. Others were assigned make work chores, moving wood piles back and forth or shuffling supplies.

  The fall mornings were cool, but the days warmed up quick. Ivy, her daughters and Crystal were assigned to harvest potatoes and forced to crawl through the mud and dig out potatoes with their hands. I t did no good for Crystal and Ivy to think to much about what Mac was going through, so Crystal tried to keep the mood light, “I've really been struggling with morning sickness lately. I don't mind not throwing up another meal, but this baby had different thoughts on the matter.”

  Ivy took things a bit more seriously, “You're eating for two now when they aren't watching suck this down it'll help.”

  Crystal looked at the wriggling white grub Ivy put in her hand, “I don't think I'm that desperate yet.”

  Ivy wasn't going to take no for an answer, “Honey you have no idea how long they'll withhold food from us, if it goes on too long you could miscarriage. Just suck em down and don't think about it.”

  As the day wore on Percy and a woman came out in the field. Percy was carrying a bucket of water and the woman gave each of the people a measured amount to drink. When they came to Ivy the woman tried to skip her over, but Percy stopped her.

  “Madam I belief you haf missed Mrs. McPherson.”, Percy stated.

  “It's her husband's fault my kids are crying.”, the woman grumbled.

  “Your name is Sharon is it not Madam?”, Percy asked politely.

  “Yes.”, Sharon said flatly.

  “Sharon ve'fe all been through some terrible things together and ve hafe built a town together. Now someone comes and vants to take that from us. Do not let some hard times let you forget who your friends are.”, Percy explained.

  Sharon dipped the glass into the bucket and handed it to Ivy, “I'm sorry Ivy, that General is just kinda getting into my head.”

  Ivy smiled as she took the glass, “Thank you. Its the hunger dear, they are just trying to break us down. We are not going to let them do that are we?”

  When Ames reached Hulbert his comrade had already died. Using the machete he was reserving to take Mac's head, he made sure Hulbert didn't turn, “I promise you Jack this fuckers gonna pay.”

  Knowing Mac had to be nearby Ames shouted out, “Quit screwin around, show yourself, face me like a man.”