Heartland Zombie Apocalypse (Vol. 2): The Dead of Winter Read online

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  “Communications are still a bit spotty, but we can discuss all that when we arrive.” The voice stated in a flat tone.

  After Blade directed General Mayhue to their compound, he quickly went back to the waiting council. “Good news, the government has reorganized and the Army has deployed an aid contingent to rescue us.”

  “Where is the government reorganized? Who is in control of the government? Do they know what caused this?” Crystal asked.

  “Well hold on, the General's communications with the government are still spotty, but they are working on it.” Blade answered.

  Mac looked askance at Blade. “What General?”

  Blade grinned, obviously pleased. “General Mathias Mayhue, he runs special ops and he is coming here to take charge.”

  Mac became even more suspicious. “Take charge of what?”

  Blade's response was matter of fact. “Well take charge of us, it will be martial law for a bit, until the Government gets back on its feet.”

  Crystal stepped in for Mac. “How long before they get here and how many are coming?”

  “Day after tomorrow with nearly a hundred soldiers.” Blade answered.

  Crystal clarified his response for the council. “So in two days an armed force of a hundred men is going to be at our gates.”

  Blade beamed. “Exactly, isn't that the best news we've had in months?”

  The council questioned Blade at length on his radio conversation with General Mayhue, they even brought in Jason to get his take on things.

  “I got to tell you son I'm with Crystal on this one, it certainly sounds like this Mayhue fella is being intentionally sketchy on the details.” Confessed Mac.

  “Its General Mayhue and he is a great man, his team has a reputation for going into tough situations and getting the job done.” Blade responded.

  Mac shot back. “That may very well be, but I don't see any reason for us to be put under martial law or to think that this General has any better solution than what we've already accomplished for ourselves. Son you do not have to be a subordinate to him. You are our militia commander. Until we have proof there is a government still in effect, we are in charge and your rank is no less than his.”

  Blade retorted. “They are coming, what would you have me do?”

  Crystal, used to working with Blade, pulled no punches. “Blade drop this fucking hero worship and think about the people in this town depending on you. We have got to expect the worst until proven differently. We expect you to march out this door and put this town under heavy guard. Get the 50 cal's up in the towers, grab Gunny and return here. The two of you are the best we got and we need a plan now.”

  As Blade left to put the town on lock down, Crystal excused herself to talk to Amy. Crystal found her overseeing the preparations at the guard towers. “Amy have you heard of a General Mayhue?” Crystal inquired.

  “I know of a Colonel Mayhue, he ran a special ops division until he was called back stateside. Lets just say some of his methods weren't approved. He got results, but a lot of non-combatants paid the price. He hand picked every man in his division and I mean man, he doesn't think too much of women in the military. I think he passed over Blade, cause Blade has got to much of a conscience, why do you ask?”

  Crystal started to explain. “We're expecting Mayhue to be here ….. What the hell.”

  A line of military vehicles pulled up and a man dressed in fatigues, appearing to be in his late fifties, hopped out of the lead jeep. While not exactly short, he was under six feet tall and had a slight build and his greyish blue eyes were squinted in anger. He was followed by a second man, similarly in fatigues, that dwarfed the first man and whose face was disfigured by a poorly repaired harelip.

  Mathias Mayhue barked. “You people need to stand down and open these gates, I am here to take charge of this facility.”

  “Sir you need to settle down, Mr. McPherson and Mr. Byrne will be here directly and we will sort this out, until then I'd advise not adding to our concerns.” Bill replied firmly.

  Percy strode up and down, encouraging his people and making sure everyone was alert and that no one got careless. Blade came at a run, followed closely behind by Mac.

  Bill greeted them. “Mr McPherson, Mr. Byrne, this feller here has been spoutin some bull about taking charge.”

  “Thanks Bill, Mac and I are here to get some answers from the General, keep your people on full alert while we sort this out.” Blade advised.

  Bill answered. “Heard that Sir.”

  “General, I gotta tell you sir you've raised some red flags here.” Blade said.

  General Mayhue blustered. “Corporal Byrne I assume? I can't help it if your people got their panties in a bunch, I have a mission to secure this facility and that is what I intend to do.”

  Blade remained calm. “I am trying to keep this respectful sir, but you are making that real hard to do. As you can see this community is secure, so let's cut through the crap and you tell us what is really going on.”

  General Mayhue softened his demeanor. “I'm sorry for the hard ass routine son, we've traveled a lot of hard miles and we've had word zero on what you people have been up to.”

  “Sir we're operating in the dark here as well, don't lay this on us. You need to end this dance and start coming straight real fast.” Blade responded.

  The General rankled. “Whoa back up there soldier, see these birds on my lapels, they say I am your ranking officer, I would choose your words carefully.”

  Blade responded firmly. “Sir, I have nearly three hundred people here who have entrusted their lives to me and they give me all the authority I need.”

  General Mayhue smiled. “So how do you suggest we get past this impasse.”

  Blade turned to Mac. “Would you assemble the council and I'll escort the General and we'll get to the bottom of this?”

  “Give me five minutes Alan and we'll be ready for you.” Answered Mac.

  “If you would step to the gate sir, I'll let you pass after you disarm yourself.” Blade stated.

  General Mayhue acquiesced. “Whatever you say, but Sergeant Redding and Corporal Jones will be accompanying me.”

  Once the three men entered Blade started to frisk the men, causing Mayhue to bristle, “You sure as hell are not going to pat me down in front of my men.”

  “Then you give me your word as an officer of the U.S. Military that you and your men are unarmed.” Blade demanded.

  “Of course, we're all on the same side here son.” General Mayhue agreed.

  Blade led Mayhue and his men to the council room, with Bill and Jason coming along to stand guard. Percy and Amy were left in charge of defense at the gate.

  Percy was keeping a calm demeanor, while at the same time preparing for the worse. “Miss Landers are your snipers in position?”

  Amy nodded. “Yes. Gunny, I've had reports of movement in the woods.”

  “Danke, keep me posted.” Percy replied.

  Amy looked at the old soldier. “This isn't going to end well is it Gunny?”

  “Not vell at all I'm afraid.” Percy answered grimly.

  In the council room Mac addressed Mayhue. “General we need straight answers and a lot less hot air.”

  General Mayhue scoffed. “I'm on a critical mission here and I don't have a lot of time to tiptoe through the tulips.”

  “All you are doing is wasting time, cut it with the bullshit and come clean with us or pack up and leave.” Mac roared.

  General Mayhue shrugged. “Who elected you king of the hill around here?”

  “I am not in question here.” Mac replied.

  Mayhue let out a sardonic laugh. “Ahh, maybe you should be. To answer your question, we came from California with instructions to come here and secure this facility.”

  Mac struggled to keep his anger in check. “As you can see this place is secure. What ... are ... you … offering?”

  General Mayhue smiled. “I'm offering you a choice.”

; “I think we've heard enough General, we are going to step out and talk this over. Our men will be standing guard at the door in case you need something.” Mac informed him.

  Once the council left the room Mayhue turned to Sergeant Redding. “Looks like they'll choose the hard way.”

  General Mayhue had kept the main body of his men parked back up the road, out of direct view of those defending the camp. With the General and Master Sergeant gone, leadership fell to Corporal Smeils, he always had a dumb ass grin pasted on his face earning him the nickname Smiley.

  Smiley questioned the man next to him. “Where are they holding the General?”

  “Over there in the white house.” Zephram Nordstrom answered.

  “Cletus spread the word, when we open up don't nobody go shooting up the house, unless one of ya wants to be wearing Redding's size 13 up your ass. Make sure everyone stays frosty, the General's got another thirty minutes to get these farmers under control.” Smiley ordered.

  The council had gathered in a small room and desperately looked for a solution. Blade had spent a major portion of his life not only following a chain of command, but trusting in it. Today that trust was broken and the people he committed himself to protect were paying the price.

  “I really screwed the pooch on this didn't I?” Blade lamented.

  Mac replied. “Why don't we figure a way out of this.”

  “As I see it our only choice is to take Mayhue hostage and force him to have his men stand down. We better move now, waiting just gives them more time to prepare.” Blade replied flatly.

  The council waited for Blade to continue. “Alright. We've got to stay off our radios in case Mayhue's men are monitoring them, Mick get word to Percy, Hester you coordinate preparations for a bug out. Mac, you and Crystal accompany me and we'll get the General and his two men under control, the rest of you are with Hester.”

  Chapter 3 – When The Devil Calls

  Blade motioned to Bill and Jason to join them as he opened the door to the conference room. General Mayhue was seated casually on the other side of the room with his feet propped on the conference table, but Sergeant Redding and Corporal Jones were out of view of the doorway.

  “Welcome back, come on in and tell us what you decided.” Greeted the General, with a broad smile on his face.

  As Blade and Mac entered, Corporal Jones stepped into view from one side of the doorway. As soon as Crystal entered, Sergeant Redding came from his position behind the door and pushed Crystal's face down on the table. Bill was the first to raise his pistol, but Mayhue brought up a pistol from his lap and Corporal Jones pulled his pistol from behind his back.

  “Put em down or I'll have the Sergeant snap her neck and when she turns Jonesy here will grab the nearest kid and we'll feed that child to her. In the end you're going to do as I say, why don't we just skip past all of that.” Stated Mayhue.

  “Stand down.” Mac directed.

  Mayhue looked over at Blade who was angrily glaring at him. “Aww Corporal, you're thinking I lied to you.”

  “You gave me your word as an officer, you took an oath to defend this country against all enemies.” Retorted Blade.

  “Now there is where you're confused son, there is no longer a United States, or a military, there is just us.” Mayhue spat back.

  Blade shook his head. “That doesn't change anything, our duty is to serve and protect.”

  “We are going to have to disagree on that You and me we’re soldiers, we fight, kill and die, in the end somebody else reaps the rewards, I think it's about time we change that arrangement.” General Mayhue stated.

  A chill ran down Mac's spine. This maniac had a hundred gunmen at his command and he didn't care who got hurt. “Good for you, where do we fit in these plans of yours?”

  General Mayhue spread his hands wide, “I picked you for smarter than that McPherson, you are now in the Mayhue Empire, your duty is to serve me.”

  “Jonesy, relieve these people of their firearms and frisk them to make sure they are not hiding any more.” The General ordered.

  In defeat the four men turned over their pistols and a quick pat done of Blade uncovered a knife tucked in his boot. With a leer, Jonesy moved on to pat down Crystal. When he attempted to slip a hand under her blouse, Sergeant Redding roughly slapped his hand away. “There will be none of that Jones, General may I let the young lady up?”

  General Mayhue gave a wave of his hand. “Go ahead.”

  “You people are allowed to be here as long as you are of service to me, you will do as you are told, when you are told. Let the dead and the harsh winter cut the chaff. Those that survive will either be molded to fit the Empire, or my men will finish what nature could not.”

  Mac glared at the General as he laid out his grandiose plans, deciding it best to bide his time. “We catch your drift.” Mac replied.

  “Good boy. Corporal Byrne go have your guards stand down and let my men in and turn over all their weapons, McPherson have everyone assemble outside this building in ten minutes. I'll personally address my people, the young woman will stay here.” General Mayhue ordered.

  The General fixed his gaze on Blade. “As long as no one tries to play the hero she'll be just fine.”

  Jason stepped forward causing Jones to raise his pistol, “Whoa up there is no need to get jumpy, I was just going to say Mrs. Grey would be best used to help keep people calm, I'll stay in her place. Don't need anybody getting trigger happy and shootin up a bunch of women and kids.”

  General Mayhue considered this a minute, he didn't like being second guessed, yet if this man was right, maybe the woman could make the transition smoother. Mayhue had no doubt his men would get the upper hand in a straight up fight, but he wanted to avoid the inevitable losses. “Alright.” He replied.

  As the room cleared, Crystal laid a hand on Jason's arm and mouthed a “Thank You”.

  “Ten minutes McPherson not a minute more.” Cautioned General Mayhue.

  Most everyone in town had already gathered, making that part easier. Explaining the situation and dealing with the feelings of anger, fear, incredulity, and outright panic was going to be close to impossible.

  “Make no mistake friends, these men could care less about us or what is right. It was my call not to provoke a fight, the losses we would suffer were too high. Stay strong, support each other and we will find a way out of this.” Mac encouraged.

  As the people of Timshel made their way into the large central courtyard and faced the house, which General Mayhue now resided in, the General’s soldiers formed a semicircle around them. The soldiers held their rifles at the ready, but otherwise looked through the townspeople. Within moments of the town assembling, Mathias Mayhue stepped out to survey the crowd.

  Mayhue was followed by Sergeant Redding and Corporal Jones, dragging a bound and gagged Jason. When they reached the stairs of the porch, they pitched Jason forward causing him to stumble down the steps. If Mac had not been at the front of the crowd to catch him, Jason would have fallen face first onto the flagstones.

  Mayhue had lost count of the number of times he had done this. Let them know who is in charge and accept nothing less than total compliance. Looking for someone to make an example of, he spotted Carol Nader trying to sooth little Eddie.

  “Silence that child woman, how can I talk over all that squealing?” Mayhue barked.

  “I'm...I'm sorry, I had to pull Eddie from his nap, he's just a little cranky. He'll calm down in a minute.” Stammered Carol.

  “I don't care about your excuses woman silence that child now.” Roared Mayhue.

  Carol began to cry in fear and frustration. “Shh Eddie. Hush now.”

  “Mister Smeils show that woman how to quiet that child.” Mayhue commanded.

  Stu Redding watched Smiley slowly walk towards the woman and child, dreading what he knew was coming. In the past he could tell himself what they did kept their country safe, but here this was their country and these people were safe till they ca
me along. Stu's hand slipped to his pistol begging him to take action as Smiley pulled the baby from the woman's arms.

  Smiley cradled Eddie in one arm and roughly tickled under his chin. “Cootchie cooo.”

  Eddie cried even harder with the rough treatment. “Hell that didn't work at all.” Remarked Smiley.

  Carol stepped forward to retrieve her son. “Now hold on there lady, old Smiley's got one more trick, this one always works.”

  Smiley took hold of Eddie's ankles in one hand and placed the other behind Eddie's back and swung the boy up into the air, “One...two..”